Congratulations Anastasia Profatylo on successful dissertation defense within the program “UK-Ukraine Twinning Program”

On November 22, 2024, Anastasia Profatylo defended her dissertation for the degree of PhD. The scientific supervisors were Professor Serhiy Popov (Sumy State University) and Professor Mark Turner (University of Liverpool). The dissertation was titled “Features of the Inflammatory Response Against the Background of Microbiome Disorders in Newborns with Neonatal Encephalopathy.”

The research and writing of the dissertation were carried out jointly within the framework of the “UK-Ukraine Twinning Program.” The public defense was conducted both online and in person at the University of Liverpool, with the participation of program members.

Congratulations on your first successful dissertation defense within the program “UK-Ukraine Twinning Program” and we wish you further success in your scientific work!

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