Regional scientific-practical seminar

February 9, 2013 in the auditorium of the SSU successfully held under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Regional Research Seminar “Сontinuing of the professional development of family physicians and pediatricians.”

The presentation of “Problem-oriented approach to infectious diseases in children.”


The participants were pediatricians, family doctors of Sumy region, students and medical interns from Medical Institute SSU. Were heard reports of leading scientists pediatrics: professor Volosovets O.P., professor Kryvopustov S.P., professor Kramaryov S.O., professor Beketova G.V., prof. Shadrin O.G., professor Abaturov O.E.

The first word given rector of Sumy State University Professor Vasilyev A.V.


Corresponding member of NAMS of Ukraine, professor Volosovets A.P .(Ministry of Health of Ukraine). Topic of his report: “Priorities for pediatric science and practice in the context of health reform”.


Professor Kryvopustov S.P.(National Medical University by Bohomolets O.O.). Topicof his report: “Rhinitis and its complications: scientific approach in pediatrics.”

Acting Director of Medical Institute Smiyanov V.A. and head of the Department of Pediatrics of Postgraduate Studies professor Smiyan O.I. with colleagues.


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