Directions of the scientific activity of the department



Directions of the scientific activity of the department

Scientific activity is an integral part of the team, and the interests of the staff in this direction are quite wide: the study of micronutrient balance, clinical and immunological features, intestinal microbiocenosis in pneumonia, bronchial asthma, acute bronchitis, children who are often ill, their diagnosis and treatment . In addition to studying the features of the inflammatory process of the respiratory system, work is underway to assess and find modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of meningitis in children. In recent years, the department conducts research to study the state of immune reactivity and mineral metabolism in children with acute intestinal infections, the study of autonomic vascular dysfunction in children descendants of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, infectious and somatic diseases in children, their regional features. 

Scientific works of the afternoon:

Beginning of 10.2010, end of 01.2016.

Supervisor of the work, doctor of  medical sciences, professor Smiyan O.I,


Beginning of 10.2009, end of 09.2016.

Supervisor of the work, doctor of  medical sciences, professor Smiyan O.I,


Beginning of 09.2017, end of 02.2020

Supervisor of the work, doctor of medical sciences, professor Smiyan O.I.,


Beginning 05.2020, end 05.2025.

Supervisor of the work, doctor of medical sciences, professor Smiyan O.I,


Scientific directions of the department:

  • clinical and pathogenetic substantiation of the modified mode of correction of changes in the intestinal microbiocenosis in community-acquired pneumonia in young children;
  • dysbiotic aspects of immunomicronutrient disorders in young children with obstructive bronchitis and optimization of treatment measures;
  • clinical and pathogenetic disorders of secondary cardiopathy in children with chronic tonsillitis;
  • endogenous predictors of adverse rotavirus intestinal infections in children, ways and optimization of treatment;
  • the state of the immune response, microecology of the oral cavity and intestines in children with acute respiratory viral infections associated with chronic tonsillitis;
  • clinical and immunological characteristics of the course of acute respiratory viral infections in children in combination with adenoid vegetations;
  • infectious and somatic diseases in children, their rheogenic features.

There is a scientific student group, the work of which was started in 1998. The members of the circle not only receive in-depth information on the pediatric aspects of medical work, but also actively carry out research, participate in conferences and seminars. The most active graduates enter graduate school, then engage in teaching activities.

The staff of the department invites interested young people of the Academic and Research Medical Institute to the collaboration.

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